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Deadline for the 2016 access application to Zackenberg is 15 February 2016. You will find the 2016 application under “Access”. Updates on the…
Interview med viceinstitutleder Mikkel P. Tamstorf, Bioscience, Aarhus Universitet, i DR P1 Eftermiddag
Stationen fungerer hver sommer som en magnet for forskere fra hele verden, der blandt andet studerer klimaforandringer, den arktiske biologi og…
Forskningsstationen Zackenberg fejrer 20 års jubilæum – her er 9 opdagelser man har gjort deroppe.
Twenty years of Arctic research puts Denmark on the world map. In 1995, visionary researchers established the Zackenberg Research Station in…
Animals graze around half the land on Earth, affecting the plants that grow there, the soil, and the carbon sink. Now, a team from Lund University,…
ISAAFFIK Arctic Gateway is the name of a new Arctic web portal, which opens on April 8 and will be a dynamic tool for anyone working in the Arctic.
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