Bjorkman, A.D. 2015. Ecological and evolutionary consequences of experimental and natural warming in the high Arctic tundra. A Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (Geography). University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 151 pp.
Lindstein, A. 2015. Land- atmosphere exchange of carbon dioxide in a high Arctic fen: importance of wintertime fluxes. Master Thesis. Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, Sweden. 60 pp.
Sørensen, L.L., Sejr, M.K., Mørk, E.T., Sievers, J. and Rysgaard, R. 2015. Coastal marine uptake of CO2 around Greenland. TemaNord 2015:538. Nordic Council of Ministers 2015. 42 pp.
Wickström, S. 2015. Turbulent CO2 exchange and surface energy balance over melting fjord-ice in North-East Greenland. Master Thesis. Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland. 67 pp.
Falk, J.M. 2014. Plant-soil-herbivore interactions in a high Arctic wetland Feedbacks to the carbon cycle. PhD thesis. Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, Sweden. 196 pp.
Jensen, L.M, Christensen, T.R. and Schmidt, N.S. 2014. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations, 19th Annual Report 2013 (pdf 13 MB). Roskilde, DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University, Denmark. 130 pp.
Jørgensen, C.J., Faucherre, S. and Elberling, B. 2014. Data report - PAGE21 WP3, Milestone 22. Seventh Framework Programme. University of Copenhagen. 23 pp.
Kroon, A. 2014. Chapter 14 High-Latitude Coasts. In Masselink, G. and Gehrels, R. (eds). Coastal Environments and Global Change. Wiley-Blackwell 2014. ISBN: 978-0-470-65660-0. 448 pp.
Schmidt, N.M. et al. 2014. BioBasis Manual. Conceptual design and sampling procedures of the biological monitoring programme within Zackenberg Basic. 17th edition. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations. Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University.104 pp.
Sigsgaard, C., Mylius, M.R. and Skov, K. 2014. GeoBasis - Guidelines and sampling procedures for the geographical monitoring programme of Zackenberg Basic. Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University and Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen. 138 pp.
Skov, K. 2014. Spatiotemporal variability in methane emission from an Arctic fen over a growing season – dynamics and driving factors. Master Thesis. Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystems Science, Lund University, Sweden. 52 pp.
Sørensen, M.W. and Hangaard, P. 2014. ClimateBasis Monitoring Program - Zackenberg 2013. Asiaq Report 2014-01. 35 pp.
Widhalm, B., Högström, E., Ressl, C., Trofaier, A. M., Heim, B., Biasi, C. and Bartsch, A.2014. Land surface hydrology from remotely sensed data at PAGE21 sites. Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation (GEO), Research Group Remote Sensing, Vienna University of Technology, Austria. 15 pp.
World Meteorological Organization 2014. GCW CryoNet Team Meeting, 1st Session, draft report. World Meteorological Organization GCW (Global Cryosphere Watch) CryoNet Team Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland, January 20-22, 2014. GCW Report 4 (2014). 27 pp.
CAFF 2013. Arctic Biodiversity Assessment. Status and trends in Arctic biodiversity. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna, Akureyri, Iceland. 678 pp.
Forchhammer, M.C. 2013. Zackenberg - on the edge of winter. Aarhus University Press. 176 pp.
Jensen, L.M, Rasch, M. and Schmidt, N.S. 2013. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations, 18th Annual Report 2012. Roskilde, DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University, Denmark. 122 pp.
Larsen, S.H. 2013. Surface mass and energy balance at A.P. Olsen Ice Cap (NE Greenland) from observations and modelling. Master Thesis, University of Copenhagen, Niels Bohr Institute. 77 pp.
World Meteorological Organization 2013. CryoNet Implementation Meeting, 1st Session, final report. World Meteorological Organization GCW (Global Cryosphere Watch), Vienna, Austria, 20-22 November 2012. GCW Report 2 (2013), 94 pp.
Hassel, K., Prestø, T., and Schmidt, N. M. 2012. Bryophyte diversity in high and low arctic Greenland: Establishment of permanent monitoring transects and bryophyte mapping in Zackenberg and Kobbefjord 2009-2010. Aarhus University, DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy - Scientific Report no. 27. 44 pp.
Hopkins, T. 2012. An extended food web from Greenland – adding birds, spiders and plants to a parasitoid-lepidopteran web. Master thesis, Department of Biosciences, University of Helsinki. 38 pp.
Jensen, L.M. (ed.) 2012: Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations, 17th Annual Report, 2011 Roskilde, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University, Denmark. 120 pp.
Jonsson, C. 2012. Grazing in the Arctic - can it mitigate the impacts of climate change? Case Study: Zackenberg, northeast Greenland. Student thesis series INES no. 242. Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Sciences, Lund University. 39 pp.
Larsen, M., Hangaard, P., Petersen, D. and Thorsøe, K. 2012. Freshwater Discharge to Young Sund. Measurements from Three Rivers. Asiaq Report 2012-17. 32 pp.
Marke, T. 2011. Glacier Mass and Energy balance Modelling. Project Report, Julius Payer Scholarship 2010, Austrian Society for Polar Research. 10 pp.
Mosbacher, J.B. 2012. Consequences of Herbivory for Tundra Plants: a case study with Eriophyoid gall mites on Arctic Willow in high-arctic Greenland. Master thesis. Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen. 72 pp.
Nissen, E.L. and Rasmussen K.K. 2012: Permafrostens udvikling i Zackenberg, 1996-2001: En undersøgelse af 20 udvalgte felter i ZEROCALM-2 samt en kritisk vurdering af muligheden for at estimere fremtidige tødybder. Bachelor project. Department of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 60 pp.
Olsen, J. 2012. Species distribution modelling in a changing high arctic landscape. The case of Calidris alpina - a migratory wader. Master thesis. Department of Environmental, Social and Spatial Change, Roskilde University, Roskilde. 37 pp.
Schmidt, N.M. 2012. BioBasis Manual. Conceptual design and sampling procedures of the biological monitoring programme within Zackenberg Basic. 15th edition. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations. Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University.110 pp.
Skovgaard, M.S. 2012. Nitrogen fixation and carbon exchange in high arctic heath – effects of experimental warming and UV-B exclusion. Master thesis. Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen. 85 pp.
Thorsøe, K., Hangaard, P., Larsen, M. and Petersen, D. 2012. Climate Basis Monitoring Programme Zackenberg, 2010-2011. Asiaq Report no. 2012-04. 31 pp.
Boulanger-Lapointe, N. 2011. Étude de populations de Saules Arctiques dans le Haut-Arctique Canadien et Groenlandais. Master thesis, University of Quebec á Trois-Rivières. 67 pp.
Faarup, S. 2011. Evapotranspiration i arktiske egne. Estimeret ved 6 forskellige metoder. Master thesis. Department of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen. 70 pp.
Gauthier, G. and Berteaux, D. (ed.). 2011. ArcticWOLVES: Arctic Wildlife Observatories Linking Vulnerable EcoSystems. Final synthesis report. Centre d’études nordiques, Université Laval, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 160 pp.
Jensen, L.M. and Rasch, M. (eds.) 2011. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations,16th Annual Report, 2010. DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University, Denmark. 134 pp.
Jensen, S. 2011. Surface air temperature gradients in Greenland – Identification, quantification, and temperature modelling. Master thesis. Department of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen. 70 pp.
Larsen, M., Petersen, D. and Thorsøe, K. 2011. Discharges in ice affected periods in Zackenbergelven. Asiaq Report 2011-16. 24 pp.
Nielsen, A. B. 2011. Aquatic Ecosystem Climate Response Revealed Through Retrospective Otolith Analysis of Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus, L.) from NE Greenland. Master thesis from University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 56 pp.
Rosing, M., Ingels, B., Mikkelsen, N., Elberling, B., Harper, D., Philip, A., Worsaae, T., Metz, J., Dencick, D., Riel, J., Møhl, J., Dahl, T.W., Steffensen, E., Haslund-Christensen, M., Jensen, J.F., Rasch, M., Fyllgraf, B., Munch, M., Rubaudo, S., Kirkeby, P., Tanquerelle, H., Christoffersen, K.S., Hardenberg, M., Dtouge, S., Vilstrup, K., Jensen, P.B., Lislegaard, A.,Marg, V., Richeter, D., Forsberg, T., Regson, R., Leisner, V.C.W., R, T., Fremmich, A., Svendsen, S. and Bergsøe, J. 2011. Nordøstgrønlands-ekspeditionen 2011. Forlaget Ehrhorn-Hummerston, København. 195 pp.
Schmidt, N.M., Krogh, P.H. and Forchhammer, M.C. 2011. Herbivore influences on ecosystem functioning. Establishment of musk ox exclosures at Zackenberg. Aarhus University, DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy. Technical report No. 2. 20 pp.
Tagesson, T. 2011: Land-atmosphere exchange of carbon in a high-Arctic wet tundra ecosystem. Doctoral Dissertation. Faculty of Science, Lund University. 141 pp.
Thorsøe, K., Hangaard, P. and Larsen, M. 2011. Climate Basis Monitoring Programme Zackenberg, 2009-2010. Asiaq Report no. 2011-13. 28 pp.
Yuan, Y. 2011. Measuring Surface Deformation Caused by Permafrost Thawing Using Radar Interferometry Case Study: Zackenberg, NE Greenland. Master's Thesis in Geomatics. Mathematical Geodesy and Positioning Department, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. 98 pp.
Boesgaard, K. 2010. Long-term effects of reduced UV-B radiation on high arctic Vaccinium uliginosum. Master thesis. Institute of Biology, University of Copenhagen. 94 pp.
Christiansen, C.T. 2010. Ecosystem carbon-exchange, soil microbial biomass and nutrient availability in a high arctic semi desert during autumn freeze-in. Master thesis. University of Copenhagen. 106 pp.
Dijksterhuis, K. 2010. Een Groenlander in Afrika, de wonderbaarlijke reis van de drieteenstrandloper. Uitgeverij Bert Bakker/Prometheus, Amsterdam. 336 pp.
Egevang, C. 2010. Migration and breeding biology of Arctic Terns in Greenland. PhD thesis. Greenland Institute of Natural Resources/Institute of Biology, University of Copenhagen/National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University. 104 pp.
Jensen, L.M. and Rasch, M. (eds.) 2010. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations, 15th Annual Report, 2009. National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University. 134 pp.
Kandrup, N. and Larsen, M. 2010. Climate Basis Monitoring Programme Zackenberg, 2008-2009. Asiaq Report no. 2010-03. 30 pp.
Mastepanov, M. 2010. Towards a Changed View on Greenhouse Gas Exchange in the Arctic. New Findings and Improved Techniques. Doctoral Dissertation, Faculty of Science, Lund University.. 141 pp.
Svendsen, S.H. 2010. Effects of watering and nutrient addition on vegetation and carbon balance in a high arctic ecosystem. Master thesis. University of Copenhagen. 71 pp.
Westergaard-Nielsen, A. 2010. Pixelating plants. Spatial temporal monitoring of phenology and snow cover dynamics in Arctic using unmodified digital cameras. Master thesis. Department of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen. 90 pp.
Albert, K.R. 2009. Plant eco-physiological responses to multiple environmental and climate changes. PhD thesis. Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen. 374 pp.
Falk, J.M. 2009. CO2 årsbudgettet fra to højarktiske miljøer. Zackenberg, Nordøstgrønland. Master thesis. Department of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen. 76 pp.
Forchhammer, M.C., Meltofte, H. and Rasch, M. 2009. Naturen og klimaændringerne i Nordøstgrønland. Aarhus Universitetsforlag. 128 pp.
Jensen, L.M. and Rasch, M. (eds.) 2009. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations, 14th Annual Report, 2008. National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University. 116 pp.
Kristensen, D.K. 2009. Impact of muskoxen on the vegetation in the Zackenberg Valley, Northeast Greenland. Master thesis. Institute of Biology, University of Southern Denmark. 80 pp.
Hendrichsen, D.K. 2009. Population dynamics in the high Arctic: Climate variations in time and space. PhD thesis. Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen. 206 pp.
Anon. 2008. GeoArk 2007 – kyst, mennesker og miljø i Nordøstgrønland. - Geografi / Det Kongelige Danske Geografiske Selskab:35-43.
Berg, T.B. 2008. Zackenberg: an arctic pearl in the North East Greenland National Park. Rhodos. 232 pp.
Berg, T.B. 2008. Zackenberg: en arktisk perle i den nordøstgrønlandske nationalpark. Rhodos. 232 pp.
Klitgaard, A.B. and Rasch, M. (eds.) 2008. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations 13th Annual Report, 2007. Danish Polar Center, Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. 98 pp.
Egevang, C., Stenhouse, I.J., Rasmussen, L.M., Willemoes, M. and Ugarte, F. 2008. Field report from Sand Island, Northeast Greenland 2008. Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Nuuk.
Meltofte, H. 2008. De første 10 år i Zackenberg. Geografi/ Det Kongelige Danske Geografiske Selskab.
Meltofte, H. 2008. Forskningsstation Zackenberg i Nordøstgrønland : Ti års undersøgelser af klimaet, plante- og dyrelivet. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser, Aarhus Universitet. 16 pp.
Meltofte, H. 2008. Zackenberg, Tunup Avannaani ilisimatusarfik : ukiuni qulini silap pissusaanik, naasoqassutsimik uumasoqassutsimillu misissuinerit. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser, Aarhus Universitet. 16 pp.
Meltofte, H., Christensen, T.R., Elberling, B., Forchhammer, M.C. and Rasch, M. (red.) 2008. High-arctic ecosystem dynamics in a changing climate: ten years of monitoring and research at Zackenberg Research Station, Northeast Greenland. Advances in Ecological Research 40. 563 pp. Erratum
Mikkelsen, P.S., Nielsen, A.L., Andersen, S., Nielsen, F.P. and Vedel, M. 2008: Feltrapport fra rejsen til Nordøstgrønland 2008. Nanok. 18 pp.
Klitgaard, A.B., Rasch, M. and Caning, K. (eds.) 2007. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations 12th Annual Report, 2006. Danish Polar Center, Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. 104 pp.
Rysgaard, S. and Glud, R.N. (eds.) 2007. Carbon cycling in Arctic marine ecosystems: Case study Young Sound. Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland. Bioscience 58. 214 pp.
Alsen, P. 2006. The early Cretaceous (late Ryazanian – early Hauterivian) ammonite fauna in North-East Greenland: Taxonomy, biostratigraphy, and biogeography. Oslo. Taylor and Francis. Fossils & Strata 53. 229 pp.
Callaghan, T.V., Rudels, B. and Tweedie, C.E. 2006. International review of the Zackenberg Research Station. 27 pp.
Grøndahl, L. 2006. Carbon dioxide exchange in the High Arctic: Examples from terrestrial ecosystems. PhD thesis. National Environmental Research Institute, Roskilde.
Hansen, J. and Meltofte, H. 2006. Zackenberg, Greenland, Denmark (74º28’N, 20º34’W). Arctic Birds 8:42.
Klitgaard, A.B., Rasch, M. and Caning, K. (eds.) 2006. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations. 11th Annual Report, 2005. Danish Polar Center, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. 111 pp.
Schmidt, N.M. 2006. Climate, agriculture and density-dependent dynamics within and across trophic levels in contrasting ecosystems. PhD thesis. Department of Ecology, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen. 130 pp.
Elberling, B. 2005. Subsurface oxygen consumption: Environmental controls and impacts. Det Kongelige Danske Geografiske Selskab. 137 pp. (Folia Geographica Danica 23).
Forskning uten spor 2005. Integrering av miljøhensyn i forsknings- og utdanningssektoren – Grønland, Island og Svalbard. København, Nordisk Ministerråd, 2005. 163 pp. (TemaNord 2005:547).
Heal, O.W., Bayfield, N., Callaghan, T.V., Høye, T.T., Järvinen, A., Johansson, M., Kohler, J., Magnusson, B., Mortensen, L., Neuvonen, S., Rasch, M. and Saelthun, N.R. 2005. SCANNET: a Scandinavian-North European network of terrestrial field bases. pp 359-364. In D.B.A. Thompson, M.F. Price and C.A. Galbraith (eds.). Mountains of northern Europe.
Hjort, C. and Håkansson, L. 2005. A cosmogenic approach to the glacial history of Greenland. In Polarforskningssekretariatets Årsbok 2004:103-108.
Jensen, C.W. 2005. Undersøgelse over grønlandske svampemygs (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) flyveaktivitet i relation til klimatiske faktorer baseret på indsamlinger fra Zackenbergdalen, Nordøstgrønland. Institut for Biologi and Kemi, Roskilde Universitetscenter. 45 pp.
Rasch, M. and Caning, K. (eds.) 2005. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations, 10 th Annual Report, 2004. Danish Polar Center, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. 85 pp.
Sigsgaard, C. 2005. GeoBasis Guidelines and sampling procedures for the geographical monitoring programme of Zackenberg Basic. National Environmental Research Institute and Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen. 108 pp.
Albert, K.R. 2004. Effects of reducing the ambient UV-B radiation on the photosynthetic performance of Salix arctica and Vaccinium uliginosum in High Arctic Greenland. Master thesis. Biological Institute, University of Copenhagen. 189 pp.
Meltofte, H. 2004. Zackenberg, Greenland, Denmark (74º28’N, 20º34’W).Arctic Birds 6:26.
Meltofte, H. and Berg, T. B. 2004. BioBasis Conceptual design and sampling procedures of the biological programme of Zackenberg Basic 7th edition. National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Arctic Environment. 90 pp.
Rasch, M. and Caning, K. (eds.) 2004. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations. 9th Annual Report, 2003. Danish Polar Center, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. 91 pp.
Reiersen, L.-O. and Wilson, S. 2004. Monitoring of climate change effects: the AMAP trends and effects monitoring programme 1998-2003. pp. 45-46. In S. Gerland and B. Njåstad (eds.). Arctic climate feedback mechanisms.
Alsos, I.G. 2003. Conservation biology of the most thermophilous plant species in the Arctic: genetic variation, recruitment and phylogeography in a changing climate. Dr. scient. thesis. University of Tromsø, Norway. 200 pp.
Berg, T.G.B. 2003. The collared lemming (Dicrostonyx groenlandicus) in Greenland: population dynamics and habitat selection in relation to food quality. PhD. thesis. National Environmental Research Institute. 126 pp.
Berg, T.B. 2003. Habitat selection and feeding ecology by the collared lemming. Apodemus 7:15-16.
Bredahl Johansen, L. 2003. Plantefysiologiske effekter af ambient UV-B stråling på to arter i Nordøst Grønland. Institute of Biology, University of Copenhagen.
Caning, K. and Rasch, M. (eds.) 2003. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations 7th Annual Report, 2001. Danish Polar Center, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. 75 pp.
Karlsen, H.G. and Larsen, J.N. 2003. Palnatoke og Lindemansgletcheren: glaciologisk forprojekt i Zackenberg 2002. Asiaq rapport 2003-1. 20 pp.
Larsen, J.N. and Karsen, H.G. 2003. GPR snow cover survey. Asiaq rapport 2003-4.
Massetti, S., Candidi, M., Cerulli-Irelli, P. and Orsini, S. 2003. Studio dell’attivita aurorale ad alta latitudine e le relazioni terra-sole. Polarnet technical report 2:18-19.
Rasch, M. and Caning, K. (eds.) 2003. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations 8th Annual Report, 2002. Danish Polar Center, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. 80 pp.
Falk-Petersen, S., Hop, H., Shimmield, G., Rysgaard, S., Lindahl, O., and Hanelt, D. 2002. Envinet marine sites: Report on programmes for long term data collection. Norwegian Polar Institute.
Hansen, E.S. 2002. Lichenes Groenlandici exsiccati: Fasc. XXI (nos. 801-825) and Fasc. XXII (nos. 826-850). Botanisk Museum. 28 pp.
Meltofte, H.(ed.) 2002. Sne, is og 35 graders kulde. Hvad er effekterne af klimaændringer i Nordøstgrønland. DMU (Tema-rapport fra DMU; 41/2002). 88 pp.
Pedersen, S.B. and Hinkler, J. 2002. The spatiotemporal snow cover distribution in Zackenbergdalen, Northeast Greenland mapped using different remote sensing techniques. M. Sc. thesis. University of Copenhagen. 118 pp.
Rasch, M. and Koudahl, N. 2002. Research Facilities in Greenland, page 8-11: Zackenberg.
Sigsgaard, C. 2002. Kulstofpuljer og CO2 dynamik i veldrænede arktiske tundrajorde - belyst ved feltstudier på tre lokaliteter i Zackenberg, NØ Grønland. Master thesis Københavns Universitet, Geografisk Institut. 69 pp.
Caning, K. and Rasch, M. (eds.) 2001. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations 6th Annual Report, 2000. Danish Polar Center, Ministry of Research and Information Technology. 80 pp.
Illeris, L. 2001. Controls of carbon cycling in dry Arctic ecosystems. Botanical Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen. 100 pp.
Kunnerup, O.F. 2001. Food, growth and migration of an anadromous stock of arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.) in a NE-Greenland fjord. Department of Marine Ecology, Aarhus University. 45 pp.
Meltofte, H. and Berg, T.B. 2001. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations. BioBasis: Conceptual design and sampling procedures of the biological programme of Zackenberg Basic. 5th ed. National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Arctic Environment. 63 pp.
Caning, K., Rasch, M. (eds.) 2000. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations 5th Annual Report, 1999. Danish Polar Center, Ministry of Research and Information Technology. 86 pp.
Schmidt, N.M. 2000. Spatiotemporal distribution and habitat use of the collared lemming, Dicrostonyx groenlandicus Traill, in high arctic Northeast Greenland. Master thesis. Department of Zoology, University of Aarhus. 84 pp.
Bøcker, C. 1999. Beregning af NDVI fra Landsat TM, Zackenberg 1999. Asiaq Report.
Meltofte, H. and Berg, T.B. 1999. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations. BioBasis: Conceptual design and sampling procedures of the biological programme of Zackenberg Basic. 3rd edition. National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Arctic Environment.
Nordstrøm, C. 1999. Atmospheric exchange of greenhouse gases in arctic terrestrial ecosystems. Ph.D. Thesis. Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen.
Rasch, M. (ed.) 1999. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations: 4th Annual Report, 1998. Danish Polar Center, Ministry of Research and Information Technology. 62 pp.
Simonsen, J. 1999. Effekter af kantlyngbevoksning på jordbundsdannelse ved Zackenberg, Nordøstgrønland. Geografisk Institut, Københavns Universitet. 41 pp.
Bay, C. 1998. Vegetation mapping of Zackenberg valley in Northeast Greenland. Danish Polar Center and Botanical Museum, University of Copenhagen. 29 pp.
Bøcker, C. 1998. Beregning af NDVI fra Landsat TM, Zackenberg 1998. Asiaq Report.
Meltofte, H. and Rasch, M. (eds.) 1998. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations 3rd Annual Report, 1997. Danish Polar Center, Ministry of Research and Information Technology. 68 pp.
Meltofte, H., Berg, T.B. and Forchhammer, M.C. 1998. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations. BioBasis: conceptual design and sampling procedures of the biological programme of Zackenberg Basic. 2rd ed. National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Arctic Environment.
Danish Polar Center 1997. BioBasis: conceptual design and sampling procedures of the biological programme of Zackenberg Basic. Danish Polar Center, Ministry of Research and Information Technology.
Fredskild, B. and Mogensen, G.S. 1997. ZERO line final report 1997: a description of the plant communities along the ZERO line from Young Sund to the top of Aucellabjerg and the common plant communities in the Zackenberg valley, Northeast Greenland. Greenland Botanical Survey and Botanical Museum, University of Copenhagen.
Meltofte, H. and Thing, H. (eds.) 1997. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations 2nd Annual Report, 1996. Danish Polar Center, Ministry of Research and Information Technology.
Tamstorf, M.P. 1997. Analyse af sne- og vegetationsdækket ved Zackenberg, NØ-Grønland, ved brug af Landsat TM og SPOT HRV images. (Geographica Hafniensia;C4).
Christiansen, H.H. 1996. Nivation forms, processes and sediments in recent and former periglacial areas. Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen. (Geographica Hafniensia ; A4). 185 pp.
Fredskild, B. (ed.) 1996. Grønlands Botaniske Undersøgelse 1995-1996. Rapport. Botanisk Museum. 21 pp.
Hansen, E.S. 1996. Lichenes Groenlandici exsiccati: fasc. XII (nos. 551-600). Botanisk Museum. 28 pp.
Meltofte, H. and Thing, H. 1996. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations 1st Annual Report, 1995. Danish Polar Center. Ministry of Research and Technology, 64 pp.
Andersson, T.I.H., Böcher, J., Fredskild, B., Jakobsen, B.H., Meltofte, H., Mogensen, G.S. and Muus, B. 1991. Rapport om muligheden for placering af en naturvidenskabelig forskningsstation ved Zackenberg, Nationalparken i Nord- og Østgrønland. University of Copenhagen and Danish Polar Center. 48 pp.
Christiansen, H.H. 1992. Geomorfologisk moniteringsmanual, Zackenberg, 1992. Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen. 12 pp.
Christiansen, H.H. 1995. Nivation forms, processes and sediments in recent and former arctic areas. PhD. thesis. Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen. 185 pp.
Dalsgaard, M. 1995. Spalchnacéere ved Zackenberg i Nord-Østgrønland. Unpublished biology project report. 41 pp.
Danish Polar Center 1991. Zackenberg – en forskningsstation i Grønlands nationalpark, Nordøstgrønland: fra idé til virkelighed i det højarktiske. Danish Polar Center. 12 pp.
Fredskild, B. 1993. Nordøstgrønland, Zackenberg. pp. 1-24. In: Fredskild, B and Bay, C. (eds.). Grønlands Botaniske Undersøgelse 1992.
Hansen, E.S. 1995. Greenland lichens. Rhodos and Danish Polar Center. 124 pp.
Hansen, E.S. 1995. Grønlands laver. Rhodos and Dansk Polarcenter. 127 pp.
Hansen, E.S. 1995. Lichenerne ved Zackenberg. pp. 4-16. In: Fredskild, B., Mogensen, G.S., Hansen, E.S. (eds.). Grønlands Botaniske Undersøgelse 1994.
Jacobsen, A. 1995. Overvågning af climate change variable i et vegetationsdækket arktisk miljø: Zackenberg, Nordøstgrønland : under anvendelse af klimatiske feltdata and remote sensing : M.Sc. thesis. Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen). 105 pp. (in Danish with English abstract).
Misissueqqaarnerit 1995. Klimastation Zackenberg: teknisk beskrivelse: A 1782. Misissueqqaarnerit. 8 pp. + 16 enclosures.
Mogensen, G.S. 1995. Nordøstgrønland, Zackenberg. pp. 1-4. In Fredskild, B., Mogensen, G.S. and Hansen, E.S. (eds.). Grønlands Botaniske Undersøgelse 1994.